Welcome to the party!

Welcome to Fairway Fiesta, your one-stop spot for disc golf reviews and apparel!

We’re here to provide you with knowledge and advice about discs you may be interested in throwing. We understand that the disc market is always changing and that friendly advice can go a long way when it comes to the discs you select.

Over the past few years, disc prices have increased along with the number of players. We thought it was the ideal opportunity to connect with the community and share our knowledge in an effort to support other fans of the sport.

But we’re more than just a blog; We are also a small and dedicated apparel shop interested in combining the excitement of playing disc with fun clothing that showcases your enthusiasm for the sport.

So whether you’re looking to research some new discs, or upgrade your wardrobe, you’ve come to the right place. Join us as we kick off this exciting party together!

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